1/1/2000: “Dawn” of the U.S. Second Century? II

Republican Presidents have jeopardized the U.S. position as world leader by a series of foreign affairs failures, unnecessary war, and neglecting the effects of Global Warming.

Dr. James C. Kropa
3 min readOct 28, 2023

More people might have died

9/11 was a local election day on which voters could take two hours off work to vote.

How many Twin Tower employees were voting the morning of 9/11?

No one appears to have estimated what death toll would have occurred if the attack had been on 9/12. The real death toll on 9/11 should have been between 3,500 and 5,000 rather than under 3,000.

China spooked

For centuries the Uyghurs in the Xinjiang province and the Han Chinese have coexisted in relative peace. The 9/11 attack completely spooked the Chinese government in Beijing. They imagined Uyghurs crashing a plane into the Forbidden City. They decided to have better surveillance of the Uyghurs. Some Uyghurs resisted this, leading to an escalating arms race of drastically modern surveillance technology.

The Xinjiang province is now likely the largest “concentration camp” that has ever existed. Some Uyghurs have become “forced laborers” (slaves) both in and outside the province. The world only pays lip service to the violations to Human Rights because the 21st Century will be China’s.

Clinton’s secret war against radical Arab Islamic terrorism

To outward appearance, the 2/26/93 garage bomb under one of the Twin Towers was merely a smoke bomb that happened to kill six people.

Within a few days, Clinton began to learn what would have occurred if the bomb had been better constructed and better placed. One tower would have toppled over, hitting the next one and resulting in at least 30,000 deaths and as many injuries.

It escalated with the two African embassy bombings and that of the U.S.S. Cole.

At one point there was a cruise missile attack planned on Bin Laden’s headquarters in Afghanistan, but was canceled at the last minute due to revised intelligence.

One important aspect of this war was adoption of new drone technology to carry a missile.

Bush administration failures before 9/11

Despite warnings from Clinton, this secret war was essentially abandoned by Bush 2.

The Predator drone had much less support for 8 months. Massive intelligence failures were documented in the 9/11 Commission’s report. The 9/11 attack was a National Security issue, and there is growing evidence that the 9/11 Commission’s report was partially a whitewash because to find too much fault with the Bush 2 administration would have amounted to additional National Security issues.

After the 2024 election, regardless of the outcome, Biden needs to appoint a follow-up 9/11 Commission to be completed prior to the 25th anniversary on 9/11/26.

Clinton’s mistake

Early in 1994, after the bombing 2/26/93 was fully investigated and National Security issues addressed, Clinton should have made his secret war public. This would have helped Bush 2 understand that radical Arab Islamic terrorists were at war with Western Civilization, and they had the means to inflict great harm.

Bush 2’s unprovoked invasion of Iraq

This is well documented.

Trump’s foreign policy mistakes and Covid stupidity

These are also well documented but not comprehended by Trump’s base.

Unnecessary U.S. Covid deaths on a regulative basis (deaths per 100,000) are higher in Trump’s base due to anti-vaccination misinformation and Covid restrictions being relaxed too soon.

Failed agendas to combat Global Warming

With his vast understanding of Global Warming and its Climate Change consequences, under the leadership of a U.S. President Al Gore in 2001, the world would likely be ten years ahead in this problem than we are now.

Only a series of unusual events kept Al Gore from becoming President.

There was no agenda to combat Global Warming in Bush 2’s anti-science administration.

What did Trump do about Global Warming? He kicked it in its balls! The withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords is just one example.

American democracy diminished by Trump

Eight years of Donald Trump’s presence as a national political figure have brought American democracy to its knees.

Much has been written on what we are living through and what happens if Trump wins again. Clearly if Trump wins in 2024, this century will not be the U.S.’s second.

The process of removing a President, or preventing a past President from holding office again, has failed. Any senator who votes to be part of two-thirds vote needed to convict, if the vote fails, is subject to retribution.

A possible future solution: The Senate vote to convict an impeached President should be by secret ballot.

